Forget everything you think you know about the Martini-Henry Rifle

At the recent Clash of Empires Exhibition in London I was lucky enough to meet and interview many experts in their field. Amongst them was the wonderful Neil Aspinshaw - collector and expert on the Martini-Henry Rifle. He is the author of an exceptional book about the weapon that you can find here - reading Forget everything you think you know about the Martini-Henry Rifle

Fort Pine – A hidden gem of the Anglo-Zulu War

Deep in the rural areas of KwaZulu-natal, about 20km from Dundee is the impressive, but almost unknown Anglo-Zulu War fortification known as Fort Pine. Its dry-stone walls are still impressive, at least 14 feet high they tower over the gentle farmland of the Biggarsberg ridge. Work began on the fort by the Royal Engineers … Continue reading Fort Pine – A hidden gem of the Anglo-Zulu War