Forget everything you think you know about the Martini-Henry Rifle

At the recent Clash of Empires Exhibition in London I was lucky enough to meet and interview many experts in their field. Amongst them was the wonderful Neil Aspinshaw - collector and expert on the Martini-Henry Rifle. He is the author of an exceptional book about the weapon that you can find here - reading Forget everything you think you know about the Martini-Henry Rifle


The clash of empires exhibition will be huge - the largest artefact-driven museum exhibition on the Anglo-Zulu War, and it is happening in London in July.  Alex Haimann and the world renowned historian Ian Knight are co-curators.  Tickets can be found here. I have just spoken to Alex all about it and that film can … Continue reading THE CLASH OF EMPIRES: LARGEST EVER ANGLO-ZULU WAR EXHIBTION TAKING PLACE IN LONDON

Fort Pine – A hidden gem of the Anglo-Zulu War

Deep in the rural areas of KwaZulu-natal, about 20km from Dundee is the impressive, but almost unknown Anglo-Zulu War fortification known as Fort Pine. Its dry-stone walls are still impressive, at least 14 feet high they tower over the gentle farmland of the Biggarsberg ridge. Work began on the fort by the Royal Engineers … Continue reading Fort Pine – A hidden gem of the Anglo-Zulu War

The Heroes of Rorke’s Drift: Frank Bourne OBE, DCM

Transcript of the video that is embedded below: Today I’m talking about Frank Edward Bourne OBE DCM - or Colour Sergeant Bourne as he was during the battle of Rorke’s Drift. He was the senior British NCO present at the battle, but unlike many of his colleagues he was never awarded the Victoria Cross. You probably remember him from … Continue reading The Heroes of Rorke’s Drift: Frank Bourne OBE, DCM