The Peninsular war part 4: The battle of Vimeiro

This is the fourth part of my series examining the Peninsular war through the eyes of the British soldiers.  For the previous instalment, about the battle of Rolica, please follow this link. Under a broad blue sky, dotted with thin wispy clouds the British army hastily pulled on their boots and grabbed their weapons. Bugles … Continue reading The Peninsular war part 4: The battle of Vimeiro

Swift and Bold: The reenactors of the 5/60th Rifles

The 5/60th Rifles were one of the most elite regiments of the British army during the Napoleonic wars. They were skirmishers equipped with the excellent Baker rifle and dressed in green rather than the traditional red jackets. Now a group of enthusiasts in the west Midlands are bringing the unit back to life. I was … Continue reading Swift and Bold: The reenactors of the 5/60th Rifles